Friday, January 06, 2006

Have you ever wondered?


Reading through todays portion in the Parshah, we read "Joseph brought his father Jacob, and had him stand before Pharoh. Jacob Blessed Pharoh." Pharoh said to Jacob. "How many are the years that you have lived?"(47:7-8)

A question automaticaly rises. How rude is that? The first thing you ask an elderly man is his age? That is the last thing an old person wants to remember!

Jacob answered Pharoh that he's 130 years old, and it hasn't been a bed of roses. He also said that he hasn't lived as long as his father and grandfather.

From this we see, the Egyptians knew about Abraham and his long life. Jacob seemed older than Abraham. Even in those days, the extreme longevity of the early generations no longer existed. Peoples lives were no longer than they are today, therefore it amazed Pharoh, for he had never seen such an old man. Out of his amazement his first reaction to seeing Jacob was "wow, how old is this man!?"

Derived from Me'am Loez.
©Yermi Kurkus - Have you ever Wondered


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